LED retrofits deliver ROI for large retailers

When properly planned, large retail projects can benefit from the improved illumination, energy savings, low maintenance, reduced downtime, and lower costs of LED lighting retrofits.

The Benefits and Considerations of LED Retrofitting for Retailers

For decades, fluorescent bulbs were the standard for retail lighting, but LEDs now offer a superior alternative, delivering significant benefits in terms of energy efficiency, maintenance, and environmental impact. Here’s a detailed look at why retailers should consider LED retrofitting and how to approach it effectively.

Why Retrofit with LEDs?

1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings:

  • Reduced Energy Consumption: LEDs are highly energy-efficient, consuming up to 60% less electricity than traditional fluorescent bulbs. This reduction translates into lower utility bills.

  • Lower Maintenance Costs: LEDs have a longer lifespan—often twice as long as other lighting technologies—resulting in fewer replacements and maintenance efforts.

2. Environmental Benefits:

  • No Harmful Emissions: LEDs do not emit harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays or contain toxic materials like mercury, which is present in fluorescent bulbs.

  • Utility Rebates and Regulations: Many utility companies offer rebates for LED installations. Additionally, several states have implemented “clean lighting” laws to encourage the transition away from less environmentally friendly lighting technologies.

3. Enhanced Quality of Light:

  • Instant-on Performance: LEDs provide immediate full brightness without the warm-up time required by some other technologies.

  • Improved Light Control: LEDs offer better control over light distribution and can be easily dimmed, enhancing the shopping experience by creating better visibility and ambiance.

Pros and Cons of Retrofitting with LEDs


  • Minimised Disruption: LED retrofits can often be completed with minimal disruption to store operations, allowing retailers to remain open or close briefly and reopen with new lighting.

  • Cost-Effective: Retrofitting is typically more economical than a complete teardown and remodel, offering savings of 10% to 25% compared to new construction. This is especially advantageous for retailers managing multiple locations.

  • Reduced Waste: A retrofit generates less construction waste and minimizes the risk of encountering structural issues or hazardous materials.


  • Design and Installation Challenges: Proper planning is required to ensure that LED lighting integrates well with existing store layouts and infrastructure. LED fixtures may require repositioning or adjustments to avoid glare and achieve optimal illumination.

  • Consistency Across Locations: For national retailers, maintaining consistent lighting quality across various locations requires meticulous planning and coordination.

Approach to LED Retrofitting

  1. Scope of Work and Planning:

    • Assessment: Conduct an energy audit to determine the current lighting efficiency and identify areas for improvement.

    • Design: Develop a detailed retrofit plan, including fixture selection, placement, and integration with existing lighting management systems.

  2. Installation Considerations:

    • Minimise Disruption: Schedule installations to reduce downtime. For large retailers, consider phased rollouts to keep operations running smoothly.

    • Compatibility: Ensure that new LED systems are compatible with existing controls and management systems. If necessary, upgrade control systems to integrate with LED technology.

  3. Selecting the Right Partner:

    • Expertise and Scale: Choose a solutions provider with experience in large-scale LED retrofits. They should offer comprehensive services, including energy audits, product sourcing, installation, and compliance with state codes.

    • Efficiency: A national partner can streamline the process, providing timely delivery of products and labor solutions to handle the retrofit efficiently.


Retrofitting with LEDs offers numerous benefits for retailers, including energy savings, lower maintenance costs, and improved lighting quality. Although there are challenges, such as ensuring compatibility and managing consistency across multiple locations, careful planning and the right partnership can make the retrofit process smooth and effective. By investing in LED technology, retailers not only enhance their customer experience but also contribute to their sustainability goals and long-term operational efficiency.


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